
A Collaberation with sound artist Guy Fleisher 

The video synth reverses the traditional roles between sound and image; changing the visual material generates the music and sounds. The result is an experience in which we are hearing the voice of the images speaking to us from the depths of a new virtual space.

The machine simplifies the videos to 12 hues color-space, exposing the pixels hiding in the gradients of the animations, reminiscing experiments done in the 60s and 70s with electronic music and motion graphics. The uniqueness of our project is the interconnectedness of sound and image; The color spaces mesmerize while the sounds seduce the viewer to prolong and linger in this audio visual meditation.

When making  visual decisions in the real-time composition, the values for the sound change accordingly, hence creating new audio-visual connections in the synchronicity, as well as the synchresis of the resulting image and sound.

By creating ambient planes for exploration, the dimension of time and space opens up and allows for aesthetic decisions to make a lasting affect over sound, similar to playing traditional music instruments.